Monday, December 15, 2008

Magic Bullet

There aren't any quick, or magic fixes, when it comes to rehab, for hip surgery. You are on your own, for the first six weeks. Its difficult. Body needs rest. It's reacting to all the drugs. Sometimes not well. You are trying to do the basic exercises. Trying to move.

It is not an easy time. You are pretty vulnerable, then. Make sure your physician will take your phone calls. At best, you'll be sore, at worst have pain, hopefully, not allot of it.

I did. It was intense. I was unable to sleep. Sleep is critical, throughout rehab, vitally so in the first six weeks. You can not, will not, heal without it.

My pain baffled the medical experts, I consulted for help. I had a gallium scan, a bone scan. Two nuclear medicine tests for post operative infection. No infection was identified. Surgeon and physican were happy. Infection after hip surgery is a big problem. It can cause permanet disability.

Despite the tests, I still had pain. My surgeon told me, twice, he didn't know what was causing my pain. The last time, he said that was January 5, 2008, 13 months after surgery. He also said, he didn't know anyone who could help me. I didn't and don't believe him, on that.

To eliminate the pain I tried acupuncture, physiotherapy, water physio, no physio, yoga, and Qi Gong.

None of those therapies worked. Yet, they all did. It took 24 months. Although each one failed, individually, to solve the riddle. Collectively they did, over time, by providing a base, from which to proceed. With the exception of acupuncture, I practice the rest, regularly. No magic bullets!

My salvation is "SSS"- suck squeeze and squeeze, a core strengthening technique. There's a universe of information, on core strength. Google it. You get 1.5 million pages to review. That's Overwhelming.

Here's a primer for Suck Squeeze and Squeeze

click to see larger image

click to see larger image

click to see larger image

I highly recommend it to everyone. Hip surgery patients no matter where you are on the rehab time line, it will shorten the rehab process, dramatically. For anyone else suck,squeeze,and squeeze, can relieve back pain. Provide the base for better posture. Make it easier to do every day tasks.

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